Government Legal Department – Binder Information Sharing within strict Firewall settings

Providing legal services to a range of Government departments this large State Based Legal Department found that the strict rules and permissions imposed by a centrally governed IT Department made it impossible for them to securely share information with their external legal advisers, lawyers representing other parties and a range of professional advisers essential for them to effectively operate. 

The nature of the information also meant that they had to ensure that it remained within the Australian Jurisdiction and was not subject to foreign laws. Binder was able to guarantee jurisdictional storage reinforced through its Privacy settings.

Another issue was the size of the typical legal file – often making delivery by email impossible.

Using Binder the department uses a combination of password protected QuickLinks for securely sending large files and a Branded Binder Site for securely working with its external advisers.

The web based application presented no issue for their firewall and they are now moving to the lightweight desktop advanced feature applications to gain even more utility for their Binder Site.