
We guard your privacy to the best of our ability and work hard to protect your personal details and information from unauthorised access.

Q. How will Binder use any personal data or information which is collected by, or is available to, Binder in providing its services?

A. Binder is very careful about any use of personal data. If it is essential that we use personal data in the delivery or your Binder service that use is governed by our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy will be updated or amended from time to time in response to legislative changes and to meet the needs of our Binder users. The current terms are always available and any changes will only be effective upon publication on the website.


Q. Is Binder permitted to access or view any content or personal details of my Binder account?

A. Binder employees are not permitted to view the content of files you store in your Binder account. Their permissions do allow them to view file metadata (e.g., file names and locations).

In common with most online services, we have to have a small number of senior level employees who must be able to access user data to provide a "last call" service to Customers in difficulty and meet our legal obligations, but this will be on a rare occasion and then only as provided in our Privacy Policy (e.g. if legally obligated to do so).

Binder has strict policy and technical access controls which prohibit employee access except in these rare circumstances. All access, without exception, is logged by the system and is auditable. In addition, we employ a number of physical and electronic security measures to protect user information from unauthorized access.